Boating at Lake Powell Dam I noticed some partially exposed caves well below the lake water mark levels. Years of drought has exposed many of these caves. Since it was starting to snow I entered one of the larger caves. I shut the motor off and drifted to a sandbar where I made camp. From the fire's flicker I noticed on the wall hand prints, animal and human shapes, steps and infinity symbols. Some were overlapping. As I looked up I noticed a large arch shape on the ceiling. It was probably fifteen feet long. Maybe it was a hunter's bow or a mountain range where the animals roam? The next morning the entrance to the cave was a waterfall from the above melting snow. The lake water was beginning to rise and fill the cave. As my boat putted out and through the waterfall I turned to look back at the sun's rays striking the waterfall. There was a rainbow arched over the entrance to the cave. It looked about fifteen feet long....
What interests me is the life of the painting….
John Koch